If you do end up leasing a property, don’t be tempted to opt for a large space. Many florists have a small shop area and most stock will be kept in sight. You simply need to ensure replenishing your stock as and when necessary, whilst maintaining the right temperature. If your business is selling online too, just bear in mind you’ll probably need extra space to support this.
Managing staff for your businessMany floristry businesses are often family-owned or a one-man-band. If your business grows at an exponential rate though, you may well consider the idea of bringing on board extra staff to help with demand. Junior florists should receive minimum wage salaries, whilst more experienced professionals could receive upwards of £19,000. If you open multiple stores, managers will be required – and will earn around £25,000.
Start-up costs for a floristry businessAs with any business, start-up costs are going to vary substantially. As such, you could spend anywhere between £15,000 and £100,000. For this reason, it’s worth spending significant time saving up and developing your business, rather than rushing key decisions.
If you don’t have a shop to lease, costs won’t rack up as much. However, you will need to factor transport for deliveries into your projections, as well as an accountant if required.
Tips for starting your floristry businessStarting your own business is a brave move, but one you could be richly rewarded in – both financially and through enjoyment. If you’re embarking on your own floristry business, keep the following tips in mind:
- Be ready for seasonal trends. You’ll have extremely busy times of the year, including Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day. Meanwhile, also expect to have low points and factor these into your projections.
- Make the most of key events and dates in the calendar and ensure these are big profit drivers. Using foliage, you can create a great arrangement without spending the same amount of money too.
- ry to focus on doubling your stock prices and even have a niche or speciality – such as orchids, potted plants or Fairtrade flowers. This will push your presence as a knowledgeable seller.
- Make sure to spend time designing and creating your website. Most of your customers will be online, so it’s crucial you are too.
- Keep lasting stock such as potted plants, to sell alongside perishables. This will ensure your stock levels are consistent.
- Enjoy strong relationships with couriers to benefit from better pricing for transportation and delivery of orders.