Welcome to our Videos page. Strange page for a florist, right?! Indeed. Either way, we hope you enjoy the videos. We’ve enjoyed making them and we think they’re awesome; some are funny, some are just plain interesting; they are all part of the Arena Flowers story. Enjoy and please share and / or give us feedback. We’d appreciate it.
Want to learn more about Arena Flowers? Take a virtual tour of our off peak warehouse, Flowers HQ.
Our “Dancing Flowers” video shows you just how much fun flowers can be. Flowers are still the most popular Mother’s Day gift and we choose our flowers with great care. We know how to make a bouquet an unforgettable experience – although we cannot guarantee the sunglasses!
What does Mother’s Day mean to YOU? For “Mother’s Day – In Their Own Words” we went out on the streets with our camera team to ask you what you are going to get your mum on this very special day. Every mum is different and so are the responses, but one thing is very clear: “Mums LOVE flowers!” The question is which flowers are her favourites?
With Arena Flowers you’ll be spoilt for choice! Discover why it takes a lot to become a flower in an Arena Flowers bouquet, watching “Amazing Red Roses Farm In The Netherlands.” We make absolutely certain that only the best ones make it into our beautiful arrangements. How does this work? Have a look at our new video which gives you a glimpse into one of our supplier’s greenhouses and a brief insight into how our luxury “Red Naomi” roses are selected.
For Monday we have an edgy little film for you in the form of “Dubstep Flowers“. Anyone who likes electro music and skateboards is sure to like it…actually, this clip is bonkers and anyone should enjoy the pure fun.
We show you some of the pitfalls of doing Valentine’s Day wrong, with beautiful short film (and stars) in "The Gift".
To accompany it we go behind the scenes with our team in Holland in “The Auction” and lift curtain on the flower auctions. Many flower companies claim to be members of the auction; we actually are. No one gets better deals and better quality than us and we’re not ashamed to say it..
“Kung Fu Flowers“. Yeah, listen, flowers, kung fu…we can’t explain it either. Just watch it, okay? It’s nuts. Let us know if you enjoy it. Thanks!
Enough from us. What do YOU think about Valentine’s Day? We did a runabout with a camera and asked a number of you in “Valentine’s Day – In Your Own Words“. Amusing clip (but, for the record, the lady who says not to send red roses is WRONG, alright?!).
Moving on, “Rose to Nose” gives you a quick rundown of how we manage to get luxury Dutch roses from the fields into your recipient’s hands so quickly and so unbeatably fresh.
We have a bit of magic with this video (“He Loves Me… He Loves Me Not!“) as we wonder what happens when someone does love you but the flower says they don’t. To find out the answer you’ll have to watch the video. Alongside “He Loves Me… He Loves Me Not!” is a mini doc about our visit to one of the most sophisiticated rose growers in the world. Yes. In. The. World.
Our last video for you (well, until Mother’s Day) is a little romantic vignette that we hope you like.
The TV version. A short clip about flowers and silly dancing. Valentine’s is coming…it’s allowed!