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Positive Luxury Bouquet Positive Luxury Bouquet Positive Luxury Bouquet Positive Luxury Bouquet Positive Luxury Bouquet Positive Luxury Bouquet

Positive Luxury Bouquet


A positive celebration

We’ve partnered with Positive Luxury to design a bouquet celebrating our recertification as one of their accredited brands. We’ve selected seasonal stems, many of which are found on the Plants for Pollinators list, meaning they’re great for insects like butterflies. The chic and inviting colour palette of ivory and cream with sky blue and cobalt echoes the colours found on the wings of a Large Blue Butterfly. The significance of the butterfly friendly stems and colour scheme comes from Positive Luxury’s ‘Butterfly Mark’ - a globally respected trust mark used by a brand that achieves Environmental, Social, Governance and Innovation (ESG+) certification from Positive Luxury. The mark was inspired by the Large Blue Butterfly’s reintroduction to the UK after dying out in the late 1970s.

In the box

This arrangement contains the following:

Blue hydrangeas, white agapanthus, white campanula, white roses, white stocks, blue delphiniums and eucalyptus cinerea foliage.